Landlord & Tenant

We have a good team that deals with Landlord and Tenant related issues.

The areas we cover under Landlord and Tenant are:

  • Houses of Multiple Occupancy
  • Defending Actions for Unlawful Evictions by Landlords
  • Eviction of Tenants
  • Possession Proceedings
  • Housing Disrepair
    1. Leaking Roof
    2. Electrical faults/problems
    3. Pest and Vermin Control Claims
    4. Damp/Mould Issues
    5. Any other repair issues

    You could be eligible for compensation and repair work done. Our housing disrepair Solicitors will provide you with a free assessment, before taking on your matter on a no win-no-fee basis.

    If you live in social housing and your home is in a state of disrepair, our solicitors will help you claim compensation for any physical problems you have suffered in your home. If you also live in a private rented accommodation, we can assist in any claims of disrepair.

    We also assist Landlords in defending dis-repair claims from tenants.

Coronavirus has changed how we work, but we're still helping more people and businesses around the UK every day. Get in touch as normal to find out more about what we do.